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founded 1965

Who we are

The GVR Lapidary & Silversmith Club is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization dedicated to promoting hobbies for those who are interested in learning lapidary, silversmithing, and other jewelry crafts. The Club provides and operates three well-equipped facilities to provide instruction, workshops and an atmosphere conducive to the development and expansion of members’ talents.  Each Lapidary Center has a retail sales display for members’ handcrafted jewelry.

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Upcoming events


"Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something."  

Do you want an opportunity to learn and experience more with the GVR Lapidary & Silversmith Club?  You can teach, assistant teach, be a monitor at one of the centers, serve on the board, be a committee member for our yearly money maker-- the Festival, and other committees. There are numerous other things we need volunteers for.  Contact our Volunteer Coordinator and we will explore the many ways you can fulfill your 12 hours of volunteering commitment with your Lapidary Membership.  Remember volunteers keep GVR Lapidary & Silversmith Club in existence.

Volunteer Survey

Learn more about volunteering.

Our programs

We offer a full range of classes taught by our experienced members at low cost to the Green Valley Recreation (GVR) community.

Our members serve as instructors and monitors in the workshops to guide new learners. GVR offers beginning and intermediate lapidary classes of many types, and the Club offers continuing jewelry technique-building workshops.

How to register for GVR classes

See our classes and workshops

JOIN THE lapidary club

Become involved with a great group of people.


West Center Expansion

The GVR Board has approved the 2025 budget, which includes the West Center Expansion.

The West Center Expansion Project Building Committee met on December 13, 2024, to update interested club members on project developments and involve them in the process. The discussion covered the project’s scope, timing, budget, and the committee’s responsibilities. Several members volunteered to participate, highlighting the project's exciting potential.

This expansion will provide the Lapidary Club with a facility tailored for our craft, featuring a new work environment, improved lighting, ventilation, and upgraded workstations. We have a unique opportunity to shape this space, and active member involvement is crucial.

The Building Committee will outline specific tasks for designing workstations, classrooms, lapidary and jewelry benches, retail cases, artwork, furnishings and more. We aim to inform the design team promptly, as the design phase is set for completion in early spring. We’ll discuss further at the Annual Meeting on January 8, but input from members is needed now. Don’t hesitate to get involved; participation will be a rewarding way to enhance our club!

Promoting interest and education in lapidary, silversmith and other jewelry crafts for GVR members.

Contact Us

Click to contact us by email

GVR Lapidary Club
PO Box 113
Green Valley, AZ 85622

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