All classes are offered through Green Valley Recreation (GVR). Click here to register for classes and to view the class schedules. Course catalogs can also be picked up at all GVR centers.
ClasseSClick here to view and enroll in the classes. Click here for the "Course Sequence for GVR Lapidary Club Classes 2025-26" document. GETTING STARTED IN JEWELRY MAKINGLapidary Winter 25 Beginning Classes.pdf
These are beginner classes and prerequisites for intermediate and advanced classes. Basic Chain Maille BraceletBEGINNING LEVEL - Chain Maille is the art of adding links of a chain, or jump rings, together to make a pattern for jewelry. You will learn two patterns in forming bracelets. You will learn about wire gauge, hardness, and shapes used. Lapidary Club membership is required to use any of the club's equipment. Material fees may increase due to increased costs. Materials include: jump rings, and clasps. Students should bring at least 2 pliers (bent-nose and flat-nose preferably), or loaners will be available. Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the class.
SUPPLIES: Bring jewelry pliers if you have them, and a fine-tip sharpie. Tools will be available for purchase. NOTE: Working with pliers may be difficult for arthritic hands. Magnifier lights are provided. Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the class. Dichroic Glass Jewelry
Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the course. Lapidary - How to Make a CabochonBEGINNING LEVEL. Learn to cut, shape and polish a stone slab into a cabochon. Class requires walking and standing most of the time to use equipment that uses oil or water. Need to wear old clothes and close-toed shoes. This class and membership in the Lapidary Club are required to use the equipment independently. Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the course. Learn the Torch
Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the course. Make and Take Earrings
Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the course. Metal Clay Jewelry
Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the course. Metal Clay Class CreationsIntermediate and Advanced ClassesLapidary Winter 25 Intermediate classes.pdfDie-Cutting Bracelet Links
Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the course. Kumihimo 2
Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the course. Learn to Solder
Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the course. Patina and FinishesINTERMEDIATE/Club Member: Once you've created your piece, it's time to add unique qualities that reflect your style and brand. As watercolor embellishes a pencil sketch, patina and your fine finish bring a piece to life. This course covers the whole gambit: preparing your piece for the patina, selecting the patina agent and dip, selectively removing part or all of the patina, and preserving the patina. You will learn about the flex shaft, various polishing discs, and the appearance they produce. Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the course. Saw & Rivet Cool Earrings
Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click to read the description and enroll in the course. Silversmith I - Bezel Set Stone
Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Material fees may increase due to increased costs. Click here to read the description and enroll in the course. Three Easy RingsINTERMEDIATE LEVEL/CLUB MEMBERS ONLY:- Prerequisite: Learn the Torch class or recent jewelry experience AND Lapidary Club membership. Learn to Solder class may be helpful. You will practice safely using Lapidary Club equipment while learning to size and make three styles of rings in sheet metal and wire. Choose to solder rings or form styles without soldering. Copper and sterling are provided. Upon class completion you will have the option of attending a future workshop to add a stone to a soldered, wedding-band style ring that you have made. Note: Pacemaker wearers- Club equipment may have strong magnets; consult your physician. Bring lunch. Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the course. Wire Bundle Wrapped Polished Stone Pendant
Refer to the GVR course description for the material fee, which is to be paid to the instructor at the first class. Click here to read the description and enroll in the course. WORKSHOPSWorkshops provide the opportunity for you to work on your projects with the support of instructors and/or experienced assistants. Bring your materials and tools with you. Depending on the workshop, tools may be provided and materials may be available for purchase. All participants must be a member of the GVR Lapidary and Silversmith Club. Dichroic Glass Workshop Prerequisite: Open to all members who have completed the GVR Dichroic Jewelry class. Work on your own projects with help available if you need it. Learn new skills from experienced instructors. Tools are provided; there is a small fee for firing. Materials such as fusible glass, dichroic glass and findings are available for purchase.
Tuesdays: Time: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Location: East Center Studio Metalsmith Workshops A variety of Metalsmith Workshops will be advertised for all members who have completed the GVR class Learn the Torch. Locations and times will vary depending on equipment used. A small material fee and pre-registration via our club website will be required if the workshop includes a hands-on project. Check the GVR Lapidary Club Calendar for days when the workshops are offered.
Check the GVR Lapidary Club Calendar for days when the workshop is offered. |
Promoting interest and education in lapidary, silversmith and other jewelry crafts for GVR members. |
Copyright © 2025 Green Valley Recreation Lapidary Club